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Behind Coach J

In 2018, after the Eagles won the Super Bowl I was watching the post-game interview with Nick Foles. The on-field
announcer asked him how it felt to go from not playing in the NFL to becoming the Super Bowl MVP.


His response was something like: “First and foremost, there would be no way I could have accomplished any of this without my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without him, none of this would have been possible.” 


This caught my ear. I leaned forward waiting to hear what he meant by that. But the announcer ignored the comment. She jumped right into the next question and asked him about the last drive, the play call, how his teammates felt, and other stuff to keep the general public eyeballs watching.


I was like, Whoa. No, wait a minute. Hang on!  Go back. Ask him how his life has been impacted by Jesus. Ask him
specifically what he means by that. How did Jesus help him prior to the game? During the off season? During injuries? In making his decision to go back to football?


See, these were some of the questions I had recently begun asking myself. A year before this my life had changed forever. I had begun a new spiritual journey.


March, 1, 2017, my life was a huge mess. It was dark, lonely, and out of control. I was on the verge of divorce, my kids were afraid of me, and I was engaged in horrible, self-destructive behavior. And then on March 2, 2017 I met Jesus. Since then, with lots of prayer, learning, studying, listening, and reading, my life has become new and transformed. Because of my relationship with Jesus today my life is better than I could have ever dreamed. Click here for full, detailed testimony.


I look back and wonder how things would have been different for me in High School or in college if I had known Jesus back then. How could things have been different later in my career pursuits, relationships, marriage, and family. 


Of course, I can't know the answer to that, but I do know this: the peace, joy, miracles and purpose I've known since I've become a follower of Jesus is something I want to share with others.


In the Bible, Jesus says he came to give us abundant life. That is definitely what he's done for me. I think of him like the ultimate life coach. That's why I call the podcast Coach J.


In these interviews I hope to answer those questions that Nick Foles and so many others are never asked. How does Jesus make a difference in your life? What does it mean to follow him? Who is Jesus and what does it mean to have a relationship with him? What does this look like in your everyday life? 


My prayer is that these conversations will be filled with words of truth, hope, and love.


So, if you're searching for answers in your life, I hope these interviews lead you to Jesus. If you're following Christ, I hope they/re an encouragement to you.  If you have any questions about anything at all, please contact me at I'd love to talk to you and I'm available any time.  

Chad Dubin
Founder | Coach J
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